*** MEPSA NEWS ***
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Glossary of Terms
Photo Showing Tips
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Glossary of Terms
Here is a list of common terms and abbreviations found in MEPSA and the model horse world.
AA - "Animal Artistry" is a model horse manufacturer of resin models in Europe
AAA - "Animal Artistry Alchemy" is a model horse manufacturer of fine bone china models in Europe
AR - "Artist Resin" is an original sculpture by an sculpting artist that has been finish painted
ASB - "American Saddlebred"
BF - BreyerFest
BFA - "Border Fine Arts"
BHR - "Black Horse Ranch"
CE - "Commemorative Edition"
CL - "Classic" area a line of Breyer models in 1/12th scale
CM - "Custom" is a plastic or china model that has been customized
CMG - "Custom Glazed China" is a bisque or finished china model the has been custom painted and fired or glazed
COA - Certificate of Authenticity
DAH - "Design A Horse" is a program offered by the Stone Horses company to design your own custom model horse
FCM - "Factory Custom" is a model that has been altered at the factory before finishing (i.e. changing the mane or tail)
HM - "Honorable Mention"
HR - "Hagen-Renaker"
JAH - "Just About Horses"
JCP - "JC Penney"
LB - "Little Bit" were a line of Breyer models in 1/24th scale also known as Paddock Pals (PP)
LE - "Limited Edition"
LSQ - "Live Show Quality"
MEPSA - "Model Equine Photo Showers Association"
MFT - "Missourti Foxtrotter"
NL - "North Light"
NSH - "National Show Horse"
OF - "Original Finish"
is a model just as it came from the factory
OFC - "Original Finish China" is a china model with an Original Finish
OFP - "Original Finish Plastic" is a plastic model with an Original Finish
OOAK - "One Of A Kind"
OS - "Original Sculpture"
PP - "Paddock Pal" were a line of Breyer models in 1/24th scale also known as Little Bits (LB)
PSQ - "Photo Show Quality"
QH - "Quarter Horse"
RR - "Regular Run" is a model available through regular retail outlets; as opposed to Special Run (SR)
SASE - "Self Address Stamped Envelope" is an envelope with the sender's name and address on it, with affixed paid postage
SB or STB - "Standardbred"
SLT - "State Line Tack"
SM - "Stablemates" are a line of Breyer models in 1/32th scale
SR - "Special Run"
TB - "Thoroughbred"
TR - "Test Run"
Trad - "Traditional" are a line of Breyer models in 1/9th scale
TSC - "Tractor Supply Company"
TWH - "Tennessee Walking Horse"
WB - "Warmblood" |
The MEPSA Mission Statement:
The mission of the Model Equine Photo Showers Association is to serve as an inclusive organization to promote photo showing in the model horse hobby. |