1. Get your models out, dust them off and start snapping pictures. For ideas, visit the Championship Show Gallery.
Get your photos printed. Either print them yourself at home using good photo paper or have them printed by a service such as Shutterfly, Walgreens or your local photo printer. The standard size is 4x6.
3. Decide if you are going to show in the Novice Division (for those that are brand new to photo showing) or Open.
4. Label the backs of your photos with clear handwriting or computer printed labels. The back of each photo should have this information:
a. Your name, address and email.
b. Your model's information such as name, breed, gender and any other pertinent information (such as make, model, scale, customizer, color, etc). The more information for the judge, the better.
c. Your 5 letter entrant code, which is the first 2 letters of your first name and then first 3 letters of your last name: Elizabeth Jones = ELJON
The division and the classes that you are entering. Each halter photo can enter all 4 sections. You will list the class number for the Gender class, Breed class, Color class and Collectibility/Workmanship class. See the picture on the bottom of THIS page for an exampl.e
For the Novice classes Click Here.
For the Open classes Click Here.
5. Mail your photos, payment and a SASE (self addresses stamped envelope) to the next available show.
Novice shows are listed here.
Open shows are listed here.
All you need to do is enter and
support the monthly MEPSA Qualifying Shows. If your horse qualifies by placing 1st, 2nd or 3rd at most shows or even 4th, 5th or 6th at larger shows, it is eligible to enter the Year End Championship Show! All MEPSA Photo Shows are mail-in only. Online photos are not accepted.
There are no membership fees, no points to tally, nothing to register!
Just enter and MEPSA does the rest!
If you would like to keep up with the current happenings of MEPSA, we
invite you to join our online e-mail discussion group. Not only are
MEPSA issues and news discussed, but we certainly welcome ANY photo
showing-related topic. Newbies are more than welcome!